Docker Install
Setup for developers - Running the cityzen-server locally
The cityzen-server can be started locally in two ways:
Run as a docker container
- A functioning Docker environment with docker compose is required
- Install Docker engine Docker Engine documentation
- Install Docker-Compose Docker Compose documentation
On a Linux workstation
- Docker requires root privileges either as the root user, using sudo, or the use of a Docker group
- In a terminal, navigate to the docker/development subdirectory of the local cityzen-server git repository
- Example if repository cloned in ~/projects: cd ~/projects/cityzen-server/docker/development
- Start the server using Docker-Compose (using sudo if needed)
docker-compose up
sudo docker-compose up
- Currently tested on Ubuntu 20.04. Test your installation by running
docker run hello-world
On a MacOSX development workstation
- Docker requires elevated privileges and will request them when docker-desktop is first run.
- Install Docker desktop for Mac
- Start the server using compose from the terminal
- Change to repository docker/development directory. If the repository was cloned in your home directory
cd ~/cityzen-server/docker/development
- Start the docker container using docker-compose
docker-compose up
- Currently tested on MacOS Catalina 10.15.5. Test your installation by running the hello-world container in the terminal
docker run hello-world
On a Windows 10 development workstation
On a Windows 10 (pro/enterprise/education) development workstation:
- User account control is required to install Docker-desktop
- Docker desktop requires Windows 10 Pro/enterprise (version 15063 or higher)
- enable hyper-v virtualization in windows
- Download and install docker-desktop
On a Windows 10 Home (version 19018 or higher) using WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- Requrires Administrator access to Powershell
- Enable WSL 2