Setting up CityZen Server

There are two ways to use the CityZen server:

  1. Get an account on our home server. Contact us on our Slack. You can sign up by going to . You will find us in the Code4Lansing forum. You will need to create a Trello account, follow the instructions to link it to the server and finally send up the citizen.env file. Then all you need to do is create your volunteer projects and tasks in Trello and upload the client file to your website and link to it.
  2. You can install the CityZen server on your own hosting account. We provide an npm, GitHub and Docker install instructions.

Starting the CityZen server:

  1. Rename the cityzen.env file to .env and place it in the server root directory.
  2. Initialize the .env file and start the server:

    npm start -- --config config/trello.json

    If the server started successfully it will read:

    Listening on port 3000